Home Cafe combines traditional English breakfast and lunch menus with home baked Greek treats. It is conveniently situated just up Thorpe Road, a couple of minutes walk from the busy commuter hub that is Norwich railway station. (Particularly convenient for the staff here at RWD - as our offices can be found on the same thoroughfare!)
When Home Cafe had been open for nearly a year, the owners approached RWD to build them their first proper website. They wanted their own online space to advertise their appetising menus and their specialist corporate buffet catering services.
The owners were keen to stress the authentic Greek influence on their menu items. They moved to the UK in 2018 following years of working in the bakeries and restaurants of Greece. They requested that the design of the website should reflect this influence and our designers met this brief through the use of an olive palette and motifs.

Spyridon Priftis of Home Cafe was kind enough to leave a review of RWD’s services on Google:
“If you really want Professionals, I highly recommend them to do the job for you! Very kind and positive attitude. Being on your side to deliver the best possible results for you and your business! Always available at any time of the day! Thank you guys for helping my business once again!”
This was one of those websites that working on it makes you feel hungry! Luckily for us, in this instance, the fantastic coffee and Greek-inspired pastries were accessible just up the road!
If you are a small business owner looking to improve the online presence of your business. Contact RWD for more information about our website design and digital marketing services. We’d be delighted to help. To arrange an initial meeting to discuss your requirements, please call 01603 632552
Check out the Home Cafe website for menus, opening times and details of their corporate catering services.